rap beats

Posted by steve twelve | 21:42 | 0 comments ยป

If you're a rapper or a singer, and you've got great song ideas you need to make it a reality. Record your vocals to rap beats and Instrumentals is an important step in the process of creating music. But did you know that you do not have to spend thousands of dollars to get your vocals recorded professionally? Now a days, you can do it on a budget and still get amazing results. This is something a lot of rappers and singers who buy rap beats and R & B beats do not know or think about.

Q: I need to record my vocals on my songs in large, expensive, professional studio would only do the results?

dr dre known for making rap beats
NO! You do not need to record your song in the big, expensive studio to get a professional product. You can use any studio that is set up decent and record your song. To be completely true, you can get some really professional results recording rap beats and Instrumentals with a few inexpensive pieces of equipment and a laptop. Do not be fooled by those big studio owners and their huge price tags, they have read how to record using their expensive equipment otherwise it will not sound good. Go to your local music store and look nice condenser microphone and a USB Audio Interface (there are lots of cheap, entry-level options are available). Condenser microphones are studio mics and audio interfaces are basically sound card for your computer so you can record vocals on rap beats and Instrumentals with Pro microphone. Then all you need to do is find a nice "dead-sounding" (no echos) space. You can use a closet - just get some studio foam pad on the walls. You can probably get all of these things (minus the laptop) for about $ 500.

If you do not want to do any of these things and just want to spit vocals on top of hip-hop beats and instrumentals, you can do is just find a small project or home studio owner in your town and record all your vocals there. Go to Google, do a search for local recording studios and find out their rates. Decent studio project will probably charge you about $ 25 - $65 per hour for recording. You can also try to build relationships with people who have a basement studios - they might not mind shooting for free because they like your style, lyrics, rap beats or some musical project. The thing is to look around and, more importantly, to listen to other recordings of this genre. Choose the one you think sounds decent and at a price you can afford. Remember, you do not need a HUGE multi-million dollar studio to make your song sound like it was recorded in one!

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